

Welcome to the vibrant ecosystem of the Side Protocol community! It's a place teeming with dedication and the relentless efforts of its members, much like other thriving communities out there. However, amidst these contributors, there's a unique role that often stays in the shadows - the “Insider." In this post, we aim to illuminate the pivotal role that 'Insiders' play in our community and introduce you to the decentralized autonomous organization that oversees them - SBI, the Side Bureau of Insiders.

About SBI

Who are Insiders?

An "Insider" is someone who really gets the ins and outs of our project, its culture, and where we're headed. They've been around the block, so they have a wealth of knowledge that's a treasure trove for both newcomers and veterans. Insiders carry the flag for Side Protocol's cherished values and principles, making sure we stay true to our core mission in our discussions and decisions.

SBI welcomes a diverse range of individuals to join our ranks as Insiders. Whether you're a content creator, designer, developer, trader, or a crypto enthusiast, there's a place for you in our community.

Get the Insider role:

What Is the Side Bureau of Insiders (SBI)?

SBI is the community DAO of Side Protocol. Its mission is to protect Side Protocol's identity and help nurture growth.

Once you obtain the Insider role, you are considered as a part of SBI. As the Side Protocol community evolves into a global DAO, our Side Bureau of Insiders (SBI), or simply SBI, plays a significant role in nurturing a close-knit community centered around wisdom, authenticity, and collective progress. Imagine SBI as our community's vigilant detectives, delving deep into our project's culture and intricacies. Each SBI member, akin to a perceptive investigator, brings sharp instincts and a wealth of insider knowledge to guide both newcomers and experienced participants.